Fish Pond

Posts swim here.

作为一个喜欢折腾新玩意儿的人,在网上冲浪时,我经常会去寻找各种各样新式的软件或服务。如果你和我一样也喜欢寻找这些软件,那你可能也会注意到,在安装指南中,越来越多的软件提供了一种使用 Docker 的安装或部署方法。这是什么东西?为什么现在流行使用它?我们又能如何使用它?这篇文章,带你入门 Docker 。

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The GNU debugger is a powerful tool for the debugging of (mainly) C/C++ programs. In this post I document the common operations of gdb and some useful learning resources.

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As a CS student, I often find myself working on projects that require different Python versions, each with its own set of dependencies and libraries. In such scenarios, having a reliable and efficient method for managing these versions becomes crucial. Inspired by pyenv 与 conda 双轨制:管理 Python 版本和环境 , this blog post aims to document my experience with managing multiple versions of Python using pyenv and conda.

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