Awesome CLI Apps

This is a list of some awesome CLI (command-line interface) apps.


The following list consists of enhanced versions of some basic command-line tools.

Basic Enhanced Notes
cat bat
cd zoxide
du dust
find fd, fzf
git lazygit, gitui, hub
grep ripgrep
ls lsd, exa
man tldr, tealdeer
sed sd
sudo sudo-rs
top bottom
tree lsd Use lsd --tree

Also see Modern Unix

Other Tools

  • cloc: a command-line tool to count codes (See GitHub)

  • chezmoi: manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines (See GitHub)

  • frogmounth: a TUI Markdown browser (See GitHub)

  • joshuto: a TUI file explorer (See GitHub, my post)

  • shell_gpt: talk to GPT in terminal (See GitHub)

  • tmux: a terminal multiplexer (See GitHub)

  • thefuck: an app that corrects errors in the previous commands (See GitHub)