The GNU debugger is a powerful tool for the debugging of (mainly) C/C++ programs. In this post I document the common operations of gdb and some useful learning resources.
Before Debugging
Tips of Compiling
The -g flag tells gcc to generate source-level debugging information.
The -ggdb flag tells gcc to generate more debugging information for gdb.
The -Og flag tells gcc to optimize your code without affecting debugging.
gcc hello.c -g -ggdb -Og
Tips of Starting GDB
The --tui flag tells gdb to start in the TUI (Text User Interface) mode.
The -q flag tells gdb not to print version info on startup.
The -x option tells gdb to execute some commands (.gdb files only in the past, now even .py files are supported) on startup.
gdb ./a.out --tui -x -q
The example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
import gdb
defon_quit(): gdb.execute('kill')
gdb.execute('...') gdb.Breakpoint('...')
GDB Commands
Basic Commands
set args arg1 arg2 arg3: set command line arguments of the program to be executed
set args: remove all command line arguments set before
show args: show the current command line arguments
run or r: start to run the program (run to complete unless met a breakpoint)
You can also put args after run if you don't use set args to set them before, e.g. run arg1 arg2 arg3
kill: stop running the program
file program: load program and start to debug it
quit: exit the debugger
set print pretty on: make the outputs prettier
Stopping and Rerunning Commands
break or b: set a breakpoint
break 10: set a breakpoint to stop at line 10 of the current file
break hello.c:10: set a breakpoint to stop at line 10 of hello.c
break main: set a breakpoint to stop at the beginning of the main function
break: stop at the current line
break *0x400522: stop at a specific address (0x400522 here)
tbreak or tb: set a temporary breakpoint
break ... if ...: set a conditional breakpoint
watch a: stop when the value of variable a changed
clear: clear a breakpoint
clear main: remove the breakpoint for the main function
clear hello.c:10: remove the breakpoint at line 10 of hello.c
info breakpoint or i break: show all breakpoints
disable 2: don't stopPrints n memory values of length unit u starting from addr in f format: at breakpoint #2 but keep it there
enable 2: stop at breakpoint #2 again
delete 2: remove breakpoint #2
save breakpoints file: save breakpoints to file
source file: load breakpoints from file
step or s: step forward one line of code (goes into functions)
step 2: step forward two line of code (goes into functions)
stepi or si: step a single assembly instruction forward (goes into functions)
next or n: step forward one line of code (does not go into functions)
next 2: step forward two line of code (does not go into functions)
nexti or ni: step a single assembly instruction forward (does not go into functions)
finish or fin: continue running until the current function finished
return: stop running the current function and return immediately
return expression: stop running and return the value of expression as the function's return value
continue or c: continue running until the next breakpoint
Inspecting Variable Values
print a or p a: print value of variable a (which must be in the current function)
print/x a: print value of a as a hexadecimal number
print/o a: print value of a as a octal number
print/t a: print value of a as a binary number (show all bits)
print/s a: print value of a as a string even if it is not one
print *arr@10: print the first ten elements of array arr
x/nfu addr: prints n memory values of length unit u starting from addr in f format, where
f: x for hex output and o for oct output, etc. In particular, i is for instruction output and s asks gdb to print a string.
u: b for byte, h for half word (two bytes), w for word (four bytes), and g for giant word (eight bytes)
backtrace or bt: show the backtrace
Assembly and Registers
layout src: switch to standard layout (of TUI mode) -- source on top, and command window on the bottom
layout asm: assembly on top, and command on the bottom
layout split: source on top, assembly in the middle, and command at the bottom
layout reg: open the register window on top of either source or assembly
tui reg general: show the general registers
tui reg float: show the floating point registers
tui reg system: show the "system" registers
tui reg next: show the next page of registers
set disassembly-flavor [intel / att]: set the look-and-feel of the disassembly