Two Way Binding in Vue3
A simple two way binding example in vue3.
A simple two way binding example in vue3.
作为计算机爱好者,我们每天会花大量时间和 Shell 打交道,一个配置得足够好的 Shell 会让你觉得更加得心应手。这篇博文记录了我的 Zsh 配置。本来,这篇文章只是作为我自己的笔记,所以写得比较随意;同时出于练习英语写作的目的,写成了英文。但后来发现我的朋友们也会参考,所以我将其重置为中文的,并修改完善了一些内容。
Some simple CMake examples for reviewing.
This is a note for the course on Kaggle: Intro to Machine Learning.
Chinese translation for Getter and Setter in Python.
This is a list of some awesome CLI (command-line interface) apps.
This is a note for the Machine Learning Specialization.
This is a note for the Machine Learning Specialization.
Notes for tmux Productive Mouse-Free Development written by Brian P. Hogan.
Chinese translation for How to Install and Use Tmux.